{ "title": "FOSSConf 2023", "startDate": "Nov 26, 2023, 9:00 AM", "endDate": "Nov 26, 2023, 6:00 PM", "calendarInvite": "Add to your Calendar", "inPersonLocation": "IIIT Delhi, New Delhi", "gettingThere": "Directions", "support": "Discord", "registration": "Register Here!", "volunteer": "Apply now!", "cfp": "CFP is now closed.", "description": "An event immersed in the open-source ambiance." }Enter command. Type help to see available commands
What is
FOSSConf 2023 stands as a beacon of collaboration and knowledge sharing among the developer community in Delhi. Crafted by open sourcers, for open sourcers, the conference delivers a rich tapestry of topics that range from the foundational aspects like Linux, databases, and open-source contributions to the contemporary like web3, blockchains, AI/ML, and cybersecurity.
Join us to connect, collaborate, and catalyze change in the open-source community!
Thank you for your interest in FOSSConf23! The conference has ended, but we look forward to seeing you next year for another exciting open source event.
If you have any inquiries or would like to stay updated about future events, feel free to reach out to us.
We appreciate your support!
Keynote Speakers
Breaking Barriers: Women Redefining Tech
Community Partners
What People Say
👀🤝💚 @SuperteamDAO pic.twitter.com/CX3yo7OJtz
— FOSSCU (@fosscuk) July 20, 2023
What an event it was. 🔥🔥. @fosscuk #Linux #fosscu #opensource pic.twitter.com/VUNjx5DQwp
— Utkarsh Shrivastava. (@twtutkarsh) May 26, 2023
— Shivam Kumar (@its_shivam_2812) February 27, 2023
Yesterday @shreyacasmalert mam and @tushar5526 sir visited our FOSSCU cabin 💯
@DEVANSHU0_1 @itsKanishkP @akshatwts @__mayank_ag @Srijan_SS02 pic.twitter.com/EED8kXY8vL
Today i am attending this web3 session to gain more knowledge about web3 and how the things works in blockchain technology.@officialnordek @quine_sh @endlessdomains @fastn_stack @risein_com @skilleliters @fosscu pic.twitter.com/XkRJvXBpg5
— Harsh Verma (@harshverma0502) September 24, 2023
#Openhardware is what I am planning to introduce in #FOSSCU-KIET to explore the opportunities in hardware design. Hope to engage techies of open hardware with the community members.
— GP (@gauravparashar2) February 4, 2023